
Bourbon BBQ Sauce

Bourbon BBQ Sauce

Bourbon BBQ Sauce is a delectable blend of smoky, sweet, and tangy flavors that elevate any grilled dish to new heights. This homemade sauce combines the richness of bourbon with the tanginess of ketchup and apple cider vinegar, balanced by hints of sweetness from brown sugar and apple juice. Whether slathered on ribs, brushed onto chicken, or used as a dipping sauce for fries, this Bourbon BBQ Sauce is sure to impress with its depth of flavor and versatility.

Why Make Bourbon BBQ Sauce

Crafting your own Bourbon BBQ Sauce allows you to tailor the flavors to your liking and create a sauce that perfectly complements your favorite grilled or smoked dishes. With simple ingredients that you likely already have on hand, you can whip up a batch of this sauce in no time, adding a touch of sophistication and depth to your barbecue repertoire. Plus, the addition of bourbon adds a unique twist that adds complexity and richness to the sauce.

How to Make Bourbon BBQ Sauce

  1. Combine ingredients: In a medium saucepan, combine all of the ingredients. Whisk well to ensure everything is thoroughly combined.
  2. Bring to a boil: Place the saucepan over medium-high heat and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring occasionally.
  3. Simmer: Once boiling, reduce the heat to low and let the sauce simmer for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking.
  4. Cool: Remove the saucepan from the heat and let the sauce cool for about 20 minutes. This allows the flavors to meld together.
  5. Transfer and chill: Transfer the sauce to a mason jar or an airtight storage container. For the best flavor, refrigerate the sauce for 24-48 hours before using. However, you can also use it immediately if desired.
  6. Storage: Store any leftover sauce in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks or freeze it for up to 3 months in an airtight container.

Serving Suggestions

Bourbon BBQ Sauce is incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of ways:

  • Brush it onto grilled meats such as ribs, chicken, or pork chops during the last few minutes of cooking for a flavorful glaze.
  • Serve it on the side as a dipping sauce for fries, onion rings, or chicken tenders.
  • Use it as a marinade for tofu, vegetables, or shrimp before grilling or roasting.

Storage Info

Store any leftover Bourbon BBQ Sauce in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks in an airtight container. Alternatively, you can freeze it for longer storage, ensuring it’s well-sealed to prevent freezer burn.

Techniques or Tips

  • For a smoother sauce, you can blend the ingredients in a blender or food processor after cooking and cooling.
  • Adjust the sweetness and tanginess of the sauce to your preference by adding more or less brown sugar or apple cider vinegar.
  • Experiment with different types of bourbon to find the flavor profile that you prefer.


Feel free to customize this Bourbon BBQ Sauce to suit your taste preferences:

  • Add a touch of heat with a dash of cayenne pepper or hot sauce.
  • Enhance the smoky flavor by increasing the amount of liquid smoke.
  • Experiment with different types of mustard or spices to add depth and complexity to the sauce.

FAQs about Bourbon BBQ Sauce

  1. Can I use a different type of alcohol instead of bourbon? While bourbon adds a distinct flavor to the sauce, you can substitute it with whiskey or rum if desired. Just keep in mind that it may alter the overall flavor profile slightly.
  2. Is this sauce suitable for vegetarians/vegans? This Bourbon BBQ Sauce is vegetarian-friendly, but it may not be suitable for vegans due to the use of Worcestershire sauce, which often contains anchovies. However, you can look for a vegan Worcestershire sauce alternative or omit it altogether.
  3. Can I adjust the thickness of the sauce? Yes, you can adjust the thickness of the sauce by simmering it for a shorter or longer amount of time. For a thicker sauce, simmer for a longer period to allow it to reduce and thicken. Conversely, for a thinner sauce, simmer for a shorter period or add a splash of water or additional bourbon.

For ingredients and comprehensive cooking instructions, please proceed to the next page or click the open button (>)—and be sure to share with your Facebook friends!

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Written by Maria

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