

6.  Spilled Egg.  

If you accidentally drop that egg on the floor and have a mess to clean up, your handy-dandy vinegar and water will not be helpful.  Vinegar just makes the egg coagulate and turn into a thickened gluey mass that will be even tougher to clean up.    Instead just use soap and water – OR – I have used the little trick of sprinkling salt onto the spilled egg which the egg then absorbs, making it much easier to clean up.

7.  Cars.

An acidic cleaner like vinegar is tough on waxed finishes, ultimately breaking them down and stripping them off.  So if you like to wash your own car in the driveway, don’t dump any vinegar in your bucket of wash water.  Just use a good squirt of soap instead.

7 Things Not To Clean With Vinegar - Vinegar is a great all purpose cleaner, but there are a few things that you should not clean with vinegar

So those are a few places where you’ll want to avoid vinegar in your household cleaning. Any time you feel vinegar may be too acidic, one of the best options is to just use the good old reliable mixture of soap and water which is still a low cost and resourceful solution.