
Golden Onion Butter Rice

Golden Onion Butter Rice

Golden Onion Butter Rice is a flavorful and comforting dish that combines the rich taste of beef consommé and French onion soup with fluffy Jasmine rice, all brought together with the creamy goodness of butter.

Why Make Golden Onion Butter Rice

This dish is perfect for when you want something simple yet satisfying. With just a few pantry staples, you can create a dish that’s packed with flavor and sure to please everyone at the table.

How to Make Golden Onion Butter Rice

  1. Combine Soups: In a medium saucepan, mix together the beef consommé soup and condensed French onion soup until well combined.
  2. Boil Soup Mixture: Place the saucepan over medium heat and bring the soup mixture to a gentle boil. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking.
  3. Add Rice: Once the soup mixture is boiling, add the white Jasmine rice to the saucepan. Stir well to ensure the rice is fully coated with the soup mixture.
  4. Simmer: Reduce the heat to a gentle simmer and cover the saucepan tightly with a lid. Let it simmer for 15-20 minutes or until the rice is tender and has absorbed all the liquid.
  5. Add Butter: Remove the saucepan from the heat and add the small slices of butter to the rice. Stir until the butter is melted and evenly distributed throughout the rice.
  6. Rest: Cover the saucepan with the lid and let the rice rest off the heat for 5 minutes to allow the flavors to meld and the rice to firm up slightly.
  7. Fluff and Serve: After resting, gently fluff the rice with a fork to separate the grains. Transfer the Golden Onion Butter Rice to a serving dish and garnish with chopped parsley or green onions for a pop of color and freshness. Serve hot and enjoy!

Serving Suggestions

Golden Onion Butter Rice is versatile and can be served as a flavorful side dish alongside roasted meats, grilled vegetables, or even as a main course with a side salad.

Storage Info

Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat gently in the microwave or on the stovetop with a splash of water to maintain the rice’s moisture.

Techniques or Tips

  • For added richness, you can sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese over the rice before serving.
  • Use long-grain white rice or Basmati rice as a substitute for Jasmine rice if preferred.
  • Customize the dish by adding cooked vegetables such as peas, carrots, or bell peppers for extra flavor and nutrients.


  • For a vegetarian version, substitute vegetable broth for the beef consommé and French onion soup.
  • Add cooked chicken or beef strips to turn this dish into a hearty one-pot meal.

FAQs about Golden Onion Butter Rice

  1. Can I use brown rice instead of white rice? While you can use brown rice, the cooking time and liquid ratio will need to be adjusted accordingly, as brown rice typically requires more time and liquid to cook.
  2. Can I freeze Golden Onion Butter Rice? Yes, you can freeze the rice in an airtight container for up to 1 month. Thaw in the refrigerator overnight before reheating.
  3. Can I use unsalted butter instead of salted butter? Yes, you can use unsalted butter, but you may need to adjust the salt level to taste. Consider adding a pinch of salt if using unsalted butter to ensure the dish is well seasoned.

For ingredients and comprehensive cooking instructions, please proceed to the next page or click the open button (>)—and be sure to share with your Facebook friends!

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Written by Maria

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